Public Clarification Board

  • akawaatra
    Contest Holder
    • 5 years ago

    Really nice entry. I was almost finalizing 1 logo when saw yours last minute.

    The colours dont seem to be very vibrant and captivating. Can you make a few colour variations to this over CHAT? Think of it like a glass jar bottle, sitting on a shelf and you want people to notice your bottle, that happens via the colours.

    Ill send you a hello message, so we can chat and see if we are able to get it to a point where we can decide between your logo and the 1 was finalizing before. Thank you. awaiting your response.

    Lastly, what is your logic behind the "D" with heart in centre? Is it signifying something? I see something that probably you didnt mean to show but it gives that message.

    • 5 years ago