Freelancer: happyppeppi
Report Entry

Asum event 2 colors

Hello, my name is Marina. I have extensive experience in graphic design and infographics. I took in this design of the important accents of Your company. I used the icons from Your web site, they at tract attention and explain to the user the strengths of the company. I also thought that the schedule will create a positive impression in people. In the background I decided to combine some futuristic backgrounds: binary code and circuits to create the impression that Asum system opertive time and can be trusted. I hope you will like. ) If You would Like to make changes, please let me know. Less

Contest Entry #383 for                                                 Graphic for Event

Public Clarification Board

  • happyppeppi
    • 4 years ago

    I used simple and clean shapes in this design, as lightness and beauty are always attractive in design

    • 4 years ago